William Shakespeare Quotes

Text Quotes
Oh, never will I trust to speeches penned! Taffeta phrases, silken terms precise, three piled hyperboles (William Shakespeare Quotes)
A sweeter and a lovelier gentleman, fram'd in the prodigality of nature, young, valiant, wise, and, no doubt right royal; the spacious world cannot again afford (William Shakespeare Quotes)
He is deformed, crooked, old and sere, ill faced, worse bodied, shapeless everywhere; vicious, ungentle, foolish, blunt, unkind, stigmatical in making, worse in mind (William Shakespeare Quotes)
Why, our battalia trebles that account: Besides, the king's name is a tower of strength, which they upon the adverse faction want (William Shakespeare Quotes)
The robb'd that smiles steals something from the thief; he robs himself that spends a bootless grief (William Shakespeare Quotes)
What are these, so withered and so wild in their attire That took not like th' inhabitants o' th' Earth and yet are on't? (William Shakespeare Quotes)
No longer mourn for me when I am dead, than you shall hear the surly sullen bell give warning to the world that I am fled (William Shakespeare Quotes)
She hath prosperous art When she will play with reason and discourse, and well she can persuade (William Shakespeare Quotes)
What should we speak of when we are as old as you? When we shall hear the rain and wind beat dark December, how In this our pinching cave shall we discourse the freezing hours away? (William Shakespeare Quotes)
The skies are painted with unnumb'red sparks they are all fire, and every one doth shine; but there's but one in all doth hold his place (William Shakespeare Quotes)
To things a sale a seller's praise belongs; she passes praise; then praise too short doth blot (William Shakespeare Quotes)
Sometimes hath the brightest day a cloud: and, after summer evermore succeeds barren winter, with his wrathful nipping cold: so cares and joys abound, as seasons fleet (William Shakespeare Quotes)
He can write and read and cast account. O monstrous! We took him setting of boys' copies. Here's a villain (William Shakespeare Quotes)
Of all complexions the culled sovereignty do meet, as at a fair, in her fair cheek, where several worthies make one dignity, where nothing wants that want itself doth seek (William Shakespeare Quotes)
Thou, thou, lysander, thou hast given her rhymes and interchanged love tokens with my child; thou hast by moonlight at her window sung with feigning voice verses of feigning love (William Shakespeare Quotes)
We make ourselves fools to disport ourselves and spend our flatteries to drink those men upon whose age we void it up again with poisonous spite and envy (William Shakespeare Quotes)
Keep thy foot out of brothels, thy hand out of plackets, thy pen from lenders' books, and defy the foul fiend (William Shakespeare Quotes)
How many a holy and obsequious tear hath dear religious love stolen from mine eye, as interest of the dead! (William Shakespeare Quotes)
Two nights together had these gentlemen, Marcellus and Bernardo, on their watch in the dead waste and middle of the night been thus encountered (William Shakespeare Quotes)
See, see what show'rs arise, blown with windy tempest of my heart upon thy wounds, that kills mine eye and heart (William Shakespeare Quotes)
So bees with smoke and doves with noisome stench are from their hives and houses driven away. They called us, for our fierceness, English dogs; now, like to whelps, we crying run away (William Shakespeare Quotes)
If that the Earth could teem with woman's tears, each drop she falls would prove a crocodile (William Shakespeare Quotes)
Alas, ala: why, all the souls that were were forfeit once, and he that might the vantage best have took, found out the remedy (William Shakespeare Quotes)
Now the good gods forbid that our renowned Rome, whose gratitude towards her deserved children is enrolled in Jove's own book, like an unnatural dam should now eat up her own! (William Shakespeare Quotes)
Not a courtier, although they wear their faces to the bent of the king's looks, hath a heart that is not glad at the thing they scowl at (William Shakespeare Quotes)
So, of his gentleness, knowing I loved my books, he furnished me from mine own library with volumes that I prize above my dukedom (William Shakespeare Quotes)
Didst thou but know the inly touch of love, thou wouldst as soon go kindle fire with snow as seek to quench the fire of love with words (William Shakespeare Quotes)
The gray eyed morn smiles on the frowning night, checkering the eastern clouds with streaks of light (William Shakespeare Quotes)
Fair ladies, masked, are roses in their bud; dismasked, the damask sweet commixture shown, are angels vailing clouds, or roses blown (William Shakespeare Quotes)
See the minutes how they run, how many make the hour full complete; how many hours bring about the day; how many days will finish up the year; how many years a mortal man may live (William Shakespeare Quotes)